
I've been bullied since i started year 7 in 2008, i'm now in year 11 and i am making a difference. 

Earlier this year i decided to create a campaign called 'Say No To Bullying'. The main reason was hearing of so many stories about kids, teenagers and adults taking their own life, due to being bullied, either at home, school or the workplace.

One morning, i was sitting in my room watching the news, when a story about a young year 7 boy came on.  This boy was bullied almost everyday at his school and he was walking to a toilet block. Two year 10 boys were in there waiting for him. As soon as the year 7 boy walked in, they grabbed him and hung him on the back of a toilet door hook, which killed him. The two year 10 boys faced murder charges and were put in prison for 2/3 years which in my opinion isn't long enough, especially after killing an innocent young boy.

After seeing this story, it made me think about doing something, which is to be a voice and help other victims speak out and tell someone about it, if they haven't already.

I'll be sharing my personal experiences with you on this blog.

If you want to keep up to date, you can follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DylanRaven16
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sn2bullying

If you want to send me ideas or contribute to this blog, email me: dylan.m.raven@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Dylan. Talk about being proactive and reclaiming your power! Very inspiring.
